Monday, January 4, 2010


You know how sometimes, you just have really REALLY good ideas? Well then.

Here's one.

Don't take it, it's mine.


Okay, some I'm sure a lot of you have read/watched Julie and Julia, where Julie Powell (sorry for my spelling ]:) cooks her entire way throught Julia Child's cookbook in a year, blogging about every recipe. I have a twist on that- I'm going to blog my way through every single Doctor Who/David Tennant episode, now that I have his first season. This includes his latest season, the fifth (and saddest!). I know I've seen these before, well, most of them, anyways, but it's time to re-live it up :) Starting as soon as I can with the first, The Christmas Invasion. Wish me luck!

xoxo Carly

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