7 or 8-Woke up and got ready for the drive, about shot out of bed, which isn't good cause I have a bunk... but I didn't some my head is still intact, and even if it wasn't, I'd still be going!
10-Arrived, sat through a huge line with a really witty person with an AMAZING Doctor Who phone case, adored it haha!
10:30- Finally got our passes, me and my dad, and went quickly over to a table in the track for the NASA update. Dearest me, I think I almost fell asleep during that. So, we headed over to the "It's For Research, Really!" block, which I didn't understand cause I'm defiantly not a big time collector of anything, but it was amusing.
11- New New Series, thousands of SPOILERS! Now, they aren't spoilers, because Season 5 is over :*( But it was amazing back then! They couldn't get the trailers for "Waters of Mars" or "The End Of Time" right away to work, so we just conversed for a while, and spent about 20 minutes talking about whether The Master would come back. Wasted time, since at the end, when the trailers worked, it confirmed he was back. About 20 people kept saying he wouldn't come back, daft trying now to get them to believe you!
Noon-Naoko Mori Photos!!!!!!! She was unbelievably sweet, nice, funny, and a lot like Tosh on Torchwood! Later, she signed my photo I had gotten with her, it took 3 times to get the camera to work, and she called my phone (a black very broken-down enV2) something that Toshiko would use :) If only!
1-"The Changing Role Of U.N.I.T", Interesting, they all seemed like they thought the Doctor was too rough on them.
2-I went and saw "The Master Stroke, which was funny, even though I got sick in the bathroom and spent half of the time throwing up :P Felt better afterword, and went and saw "The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith" with David Tennant as, well, you know who. My father went off and saw Paul McGann, Daphne Ashbrook, and Yee Jee Tso. None of them looked like they did in the film.
3-"Whither Torchwood?" was glorious, but one of the speakers gave all this bad criticism on Torchwood, then said he liked it a lot! My dad and I muttered to each other, "Well, he sure has a good way of showing it", rolling our eyes :) But someone's idea, not my own, was that Jack came back for Season 4, and it's about 5 years after, so the child is a bit older and Gwen's not always having to care for him/her, and they find Torchwood 4. Think of it, all around the w
orld, there are mysterious Torchwoods popping up, and BAM! New cast! No need for a Hub, there are hundreds of other places and sets. Personally, I thought it was brilliant.

4-Naoko Mori's question-and-answer. Didn't like the fact that this guy named Arnold T. Blumberg was moderating, not like I didn't like him. He was really funny and everything. But I just don't like ANYBODY moderating, I like it when the guest is just talking to the fans.
5-Phil Collinson's q-and-a. Oh my gosh, he was gorgeous. Loved his lovely jeans, his amazing hair, some really great hair. I swear, my gorgeous list goes

- David Tennant
- John Barrowman
- Phil Collinson
- Gareth David Lloyd
- David Beckham
he was adorable! And yeah, he said some interesting stuff, too.
6-Ate dinner, got a few posters, the one of all the Doctor Who cast from "The Stolen Earth/Journey's End", and "Children of Earth" poster, sister tore Gwen and Jackie's face :(
But, I did get my picture in a TARDIS and next to a Dalek! Terrible lighting, I know. But here they are, along with Naoko and me, and the DW poster.
Anyways, we headed home after that, to rewatch "Tooth and Claw" on IPTV at 11 :)
For more information on Chicago TARDIS,
xoxo Carly
1 comment:
without out spoiling anything he came back for waters of mars and the end of time
the question is well he come back after that?
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