The Christmas Invasion
Season Two
Episode One
Broadcasted- December 25, 2005
The Doctor-David Tennant
Rose Tyler- Billie Piper
Mickey Smith- Noel Clarke
Jackie Tyler-Camille Coduri
Harriet Jones- Penelope Wilton
Villans- Sycorax, after the witch from Shakespere's The Tempest. In Shakespere's Code, The Doctor mentions the name the 'Sycorax', which Shakespere says he'll use sometime.
Danny Llewellyn: That means they might not be Martians at all!
Major Blake: Of course not, Martians look completely different
The Doctor: Well, yeah, you could, you could do that, course you could, but why? Look at these people, these human beings, consider their potential. From the day they arrive on this planet and blinking, step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do... no, hold on... sorry, that's the Lion King... but the point still stands!
The Doctor: We haven't got much time. If there's Pilot Fish then... why is there an apple in my dressing gown?
Jackie Tyler: Oh, that's Howard's, sorry.
The Doctor: He keeps apples in his dressing gown?
Jackie Tyler: He gets hungry...
The Doctor: What, he gets hungry in his sleep?
Jackie Tyler: Sometimes.
Jackie Tyler: I'm gonna be killed by a Christmas tree!
The Doctor: Rude and not ginger!
Favorite Character- Oh, it has to be David! It's his first time being the Doctor, and I love how he just sweeps off his feet into the role! I'm probably not going to do this any more, choosing the Doctor as my favorite, but still, he was amazing as it(:
Favorite Moment- Loved it when Doctor, Rose, Mickey, Harriet, and various other humans (liked that Alex kid, btw, wish they'd bring him back sometime) are aboard the Sycorax ship, and they realize that they can understand the Sycorax's native tounge, which I don't understand how Alex can, due to he has never been aboard the TARDIS. But, they do, and Rose realizes The Doctor's back! When he comes out and starts talking about who he really is, I was laughing and mental-noting to make this the best moment. Rude and not ginger! And his little wink to Rose was cute!
Tear Factor- Only for Ecceleston fans, which I wasn't really. So, defiantly a 1 out of 10, if you cried at the part where Rose hugged her mother, choking up about how her Doctor was gone. Which clearly I didn't.
Scare Factor- 1 out of 10, cause I jumped a bit when all of a sudden the Sycorax's first video was shown.
Rating- 8 out of 10
P.S.- Welcome to the family, David! (And we'll miss you when you're gone! Some, more than others :*])
xoxo Carly
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