Monday, May 18, 2009


YESSSSS! Hola, bloggers! Just in A.P., not able to do much, but that's just because it's not a real class. Anyways, guess what I bought on my iPod touch a few nights ago! FIVE ROSE/DAVID EPISODES!
I bought:
  1. The Christmas Invasion/Season 2/Episode One
  2. New Earth/Season 2/Episode Two
  3. Tooth and Claw/Season 2/Episode Three
  4. The Girl In The Fireplace (haven't seen this one yet! :D )/Season 2/Episode Five
  5. The Idiot's Lantern! (haven't seen this either!)/Season 2/Episode Eight

Yes, I am overly excited.

Ok! Well, class is about over now, so I'll have to type later

xoxo Carly

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